Describe the effects of internal conflict on Rwanda.(1 point)


Rwanda’s internal conflict led to years of trauma in the country. The years afterward were focused on reconciliation and recovery.
Rwanda’s internal conflict led to years of trauma in the country. The years afterward were focused on reconciliation and recovery.

Rwanda’s internal conflict has led to a free-market economy based in capitalism and the end of socialism in the country.
Rwanda’s internal conflict has led to a free-market economy based in capitalism and the end of socialism in the country.

Rwanda’s internal conflict has been ongoing for decades, with various peacekeeping missions from the UN failing to establish stability.
Rwanda’s internal conflict has been ongoing for decades, with various peacekeeping missions from the UN failing to establish stability.

Rwanda’s internal conflict has meant that sectarian identities have become more prominent in the politics of the region in the years since the conflict.
Rwanda’s internal conflict has meant that sectarian identities have become more prominent in the politics of the region in the years since the conflict.
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The effects of internal conflict on Rwanda have been devastating, leading to widespread trauma and destruction. The country has faced years of violence and instability, resulting in the loss of countless lives and the displacement of many Rwandans. The aftermath of the conflict has been marked by efforts to reconcile and heal the deep wounds caused by the violence. Additionally, the conflict has also had lasting economic and political effects, leading to shifts towards a free-market economy and the resurgence of sectarian identities in the country's politics. Despite various peacekeeping efforts, Rwanda continues to struggle with the legacy of its internal conflict.