Using the image of the front page and the knowledge you attained from the lesson, identify the headlines that could be described as yellow journalism and explain how these headlines and their stories might have played a major role in U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American War.

The image can be considered yellow journalism because it is exaggerated. It was not taken at the scene of the explosion

most likely didn't cause bodies to fly or create as large of a fireball like the image depicts. The image was created to
anger the American public against spain, by saying that the ship was destroyed by a Spanish mine even though this was not
a definite fact. Plus the stirred emotions from the massive body count and the motivation of a $50,000 reward for finding
the perpetrator, this played a major role in the Spanish-American War.

is this right

make sure to put in your own words

As an AI, I don't have access to specific images or lessons. However, I can explain how to identify headlines that could be characterized as yellow journalism and how they might have influenced U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American War.

Yellow journalism refers to a sensational and exaggerated style of reporting that prioritizes attracting readership and manipulating public opinion over providing accurate and unbiased news. To identify such headlines, look for those that contain exaggerated or inflammatory language, focus on scandalous or shocking events, and rely heavily on emotional appeals.

During the time leading up to the Spanish-American War (1898), yellow journalism played a significant role in shaping public opinion. Two prominent publishers, William Randolph Hearst (New York Journal) and Joseph Pulitzer (New York World), competed for readership by sensationalizing the news.

Some headlines that could be considered yellow journalism during this period might include phrases like "Monstrous Spanish Atrocities!" or "Spanish Invasion Imminent!" Sensational stories focusing on events like the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor or the supposed mistreatment of Cuban civilians by Spanish forces were often featured.

These headlines and stories aimed to invoke fear, anger, and outrage among the American public. By painting the Spanish as brutal oppressors and casting the U.S. as their righteous saviors, the publishers sought to generate support for military intervention in Cuba and ultimately drive up newspaper sales.

As a result, public sentiment was inflamed, leading to increased pressure on the U.S. government to take action against Spain. This, coupled with other underlying factors such as American economic interests in Cuba and the desire for territorial expansion, played a major role in pushing the United States into the Spanish-American War.

Jiskha sucks 🗿😑

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