which fact would best support the argument for kurdish independence

A. kurdish schools and broadcasts are now permitted in turkey
B. the british included kurds in iraq when they formed that nation
C. most kurds practice sunni islam rather than shia islam
D. kurds have been violently repressed by outside government in the past
my answer D

To determine which fact would best support the argument for Kurdish independence, we need to consider the reasons that typically drive movements for self-determination. These reasons involve political, historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors.

Option A: Kurdish schools and broadcasts are now permitted in Turkey. This fact might suggest that there has been some improvement in the rights of Kurds in Turkey. However, it does not directly address the argument for independence, as permitting Kurdish schools and broadcasts does not necessarily guarantee autonomy or independence for the Kurdish people.

Option B: The British included Kurds in Iraq when they formed that nation. While this fact highlights the historical presence of Kurds in Iraq, it does not necessarily provide a strong rationale for Kurdish independence. It focuses on the inclusion of Kurds within a larger nation, rather than their desire for self-determination.

Option C: Most Kurds practice Sunni Islam rather than Shia Islam. This fact, while highlighting a cultural and religious distinction, does not directly relate to the argument for Kurdish independence. Religion alone does not typically serve as the primary motive for seeking independence.

Option D: Kurds have been violently repressed by outside governments in the past. This fact provides a stronger argument for Kurdish independence. Historical oppression and violence against the Kurdish people can drive a desire for self-determination and independence. It highlights the need for Kurds to have control over their own destiny and protect their rights.

Considering these factors, option D, that Kurds have been violently repressed by outside governments in the past, is the best choice to support the argument for Kurdish independence.

That's a good answer. Is that what your reading assignment says?