Which of the following best describes constructive forces?

A. forces that build up, or create, landmasses*
B. forces that wear down, or destroy, landmasses
C. forces that change the appearance of weathered rock
D. forces that are constant

the answer is A

To determine which of the options best describes constructive forces, let's break down each option and analyze them.

A. Forces that build up, or create, landmasses.
B. Forces that wear down, or destroy, landmasses.
C. Forces that change the appearance of weathered rock.
D. Forces that are constant.

Constructive forces are those that contribute to the formation or creation of landmasses. They act to build up or shape the Earth's surface. Based on this definition, option A best describes constructive forces since it specifically states that they build up or create landmasses.

To answer such questions in the future, it is important to understand the context and definition of the terms involved. In this case, understanding the meaning of constructive forces helped in identifying the correct answer.