in an esl classroom teacher aides should prepare themselfs to?

(a)learn or become familiar with appropriate language related software programs(my answer)
(b)handle all disciplinary measures that arise on behalf of the teacher
(c)counsel parents regarding their childs progress or problems
(d)construct lesson plans as needed

a student who has limited english proficiency would most likely be placed in a(n)?
(a)esl 1 class
(b)esl 11 class(my answer)
(c)lep class
(d)sheltered-content class

to say that all african-american males are fast runners is an example of?
(c)stereotype (my answer)

ms sue please help

Could you check my answers please



I assume that esl 11 is the second esl class. It should be written esl II or esl 2.

right on all

"themselfs" = ????

How "limited" in English? If very limited, then ESL I, not II. If somewhat limited, but has already taken ESL I, then ESL II is fine.

When selecting books for the classroom you should avoid ones that include

A. characters who are powerful.
B. nontraditional roles such as or people or single parents.
C. characters who are unrealistic or don't resemble real people or real life. (this is the correct ans)
D. characters that portray a particular race, gender, or exceptionality.

For your first question, in an ESL classroom, teacher aides should prepare themselves to:

(a) Learn or become familiar with appropriate language-related software programs

This is a good answer. Teacher aides should be prepared to learn and become familiar with the appropriate language-related software programs that are used in ESL classrooms. These software programs can be helpful tools for teaching and practicing language skills.

(b) Handle all disciplinary measures that arise on behalf of the teacher

While teacher aides may assist with managing the classroom and enforcing rules, the primary responsibility for handling disciplinary measures typically falls on the teacher. Teacher aides should support the teacher in maintaining a positive and disciplined learning environment.

(c) Counsel parents regarding their child's progress or problems

Counseling parents regarding their child's progress or problems is typically the responsibility of the teacher or a school counselor. Teacher aides may assist in communicating information to parents, but they usually do not have the same level of training or expertise as counselors.

(d) Construct lesson plans as needed

Constructing lesson plans is primarily the responsibility of the teacher. Teacher aides may assist with preparing materials or implementing lesson plans, but the overall planning and organization of lessons is typically done by the teacher.

For your second question, a student with limited English proficiency would most likely be placed in:

(b) ESL 11 class

This is not the correct answer. ESL 11 class would typically indicate a more advanced level of English proficiency. A student with limited English proficiency would usually be placed in a lower-level class, such as an ESL 1 class, where they can receive appropriate support and instruction tailored to their language needs.

The correct answer is:

(a) ESL 1 class

For your third question, to say that all African-American males are fast runners is an example of:

(c) Stereotype

This is the correct answer. Stereotypes involve generalizing or making assumptions about a group of people based on limited information or beliefs. Saying that all African-American males are fast runners is an example of a stereotype because it assumes that a particular characteristic, in this case, running speed, applies to an entire racial or ethnic group.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.