Check answer?

Drag and drop the words to the correct box. Words may be used more than once.
Words: Sunni muslims, Shia muslims, Sunni and Shia muslims

- follow the Five Pillars of Islam

- mostly tolerant of modern culture

- live mainly in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon

1: Sunni and Shia muslims
2: Shia muslims
3: Shia muslims

If they're wrong, a link to help would be great !

After 2 years still no answer anonymous that question in early 2019 and now it's almost 2022...still no answer.

so what are the answers UGH

Bailey Is right btw

1.) Sunni and Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims

2.) A

3.) Takes control of West Bank and Gaza, Israel and the PLO sign the Oslo Accords, Israel withdraws from Gaza, Hamas takes control of Gaza

4.) C

5.) D

6.) Is more diverse that oil dependent economies prevalent in southwest Asia

7.) The rebel group Houthis took control of much of Yemen, ISIS took control of parts of Yemen

are the last two sunni muslims?

2022 almost 2023 still no Answer

Sunni and Shia Muslims=follow the Five Pillars of Islam

Sunni Muslims=mostly tolerant of modern culture
Shia Muslims=live mainly in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon


Y’all r to funny 💀

answer: shia,sunni and shia ,sunni yw

1. Sunni and Shia Muslims

2. Sunni Muslims
3. Shia Muslims

is it right?

I think two are wrong.