What were the political consequences of the spoils system on the administrations of President James Garfield and his successor, Chester A. Arthur?

The spoils system refers to the practice of rewarding political supporters with government positions, typically after a successful election. This system had significant political consequences on the administrations of President James Garfield and his successor, Chester A. Arthur.

To understand the political consequences, we need to delve into the historical context and events surrounding these presidencies. Here's how you can find the information:

1. Research the spoils system: Start by understanding what the spoils system entails. Look for reputable sources such as history textbooks, scholarly articles, or reliable websites to gain a comprehensive understanding of the spoils system.

2. Study the presidency of James Garfield: Look for information on how the spoils system influenced Garfield's administration. Some key points to consider are:

a. The assassination of Garfield: Explore how Garfield's political patronage decisions and appointments played a role in his assassination. His assassination shed light on the negative consequences of the spoils system.

b. Public opinion: Analyze how the public perception of the spoils system changed as a result of Garfield's assassination. Look for news articles, editorials, or public statements from that time to understand how sentiment shifted.

3. Explore the presidency of Chester A. Arthur: Investigate how Arthur, Garfield's successor, responded to the political consequences of the spoils system. Consider the following points:

a. Pendleton Act: Assess how Arthur's presidency was marked by the passage and implementation of the Pendleton Act in 1883, which aimed to reform the spoils system. Look for information on how this act affected the government's personnel selection process.

b. Civil service reform: Examine how Arthur's administration addressed the need for civil service reform and transparency, as a response to the public outcry after Garfield's assassination. Analyze the actions taken by Arthur and their impact on government appointments.

By examining these aspects, you can gain insight into the political consequences of the spoils system on the administrations of President James Garfield and his successor, Chester A. Arthur.

The spoils system, also known as "patronage," refers to the practice of awarding government positions to loyal supporters and party members. The consequences of the spoils system on the administrations of President James Garfield and his successor, Chester A. Arthur, had significant political implications. Here are the step-by-step consequences:

1. James Garfield's assassination: On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau, a disgruntled office seeker who had been denied a government position. Garfield's assassination amplified the public's concern over the corrupt nature of the spoils system.

2. Public outrage and reform demands: Garfield's assassination led to widespread public outrage over political corruption and demands for civil service reform. The American public wanted to discontinue the spoils system practice and establish a merit-based system for government jobs.

3. Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act: In response to the public outcry, President Chester A. Arthur advocated for civil service reform. In 1883, the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was passed, which established the United States Civil Service Commission and created a merit-based system for selecting federal employees.

4. Creation of the Civil Service Commission: The Pendleton Act established the Civil Service Commission, responsible for overseeing the selection of government employees based on merit, through competitive examinations. This new system sought to minimize political influence and corruption in government appointments.

5. Reduction of the spoils system's influence: The implementation of civil service reform significantly reduced the spoils system's influence in government appointments. Positions were awarded based on qualifications and competency, rather than political connections or loyalty.

6. Challenging the power of political bosses: Civil service reform served to challenge the power of political bosses and party machines. The system aimed to prevent individuals from holding government positions solely based on their political influence, weakening the hold of political machines on the government.

7. Increased professionalism and efficiency: With the implementation of civil service reform, the government began hiring individuals based on their qualifications. This resulted in increased professionalism and efficiency within government agencies, as competence and expertise became crucial factors in job selection.

Overall, the consequences of the spoils system on Garfield and Arthur's administrations led to the assassination of Garfield, public outrage over political corruption, and the subsequent implementation of civil service reform. This reform aimed to establish a merit-based system and reduce the influence of the spoils system, ultimately improving the professionalism and efficiency of the government.