If you guys were trying to survive the Titanic How do you think you would feel? How would you react? What would you do to secure your survival?

I believe those are questions you have been asked, right?

... feel? great fear
... react? follow directions of those in charge and/or panic
... "to secure survival"? same as above, I guess.

The point is -- how do you think you would feel? How would you react? What would you do to secure your survival?

Let us know what you decide to write.

if it was me on the Titanic I would be super scared I dont know about you but I Love my life

Passengers who made it onto a lifeboat are the most likely to survive. If I didn't achieve that and plenty of people did not get a life jacket, warm clothing, and seeking debris that would float and is big enough to climb on, fully out of the water. I might be moving doors or tables to the deck and tethering myself in some way.

If I were trying to survive the Titanic, I imagine I would initially feel a mix of fear, panic, and disbelief. The situation would undoubtedly be intense and dramatic, with people scrambling to find safety amidst the chaos.

To secure my survival, here are the steps I would try to take:

1. Stay calm: Panicking can cloud judgment, so it's crucial to remain as calm as possible. Taking deep breaths and focusing on staying rational can help in making sound decisions.

2. Locate life jackets and flotation devices: Finding a life jacket or any other flotation device would be crucial. Cabins and public areas on the Titanic were equipped with life jackets, so it would be necessary to search for them and put one on immediately.

3. Seek information: Staying aware of what is happening is important. I would actively seek information about the situation from crew members or other passengers, listen for announcements, and try to make informed decisions based on the latest information available.

4. Head to the lifeboats: The priority would be to locate and head towards the lifeboats. The Titanic had a limited number of lifeboats, so it would be essential to get there quickly. Following crew instructions and not causing a stampede would be crucial to avoid chaos and increase the chances of getting a spot on a lifeboat.

5. Assist others: It is important to remember that helping others in need can also increase one's own chances of survival. Assisting those who may be struggling or in need of support would be a moral responsibility.

6. Stay above water: If forced into the water, staying afloat should be the immediate goal. Holding onto debris, life jackets, or other floating objects would be essential to prevent exhaustion and hypothermia.

7. Remain vigilant: Throughout the entire ordeal, monitoring the situation and being aware of changing circumstances would be necessary. Adjusting plans and actions accordingly can be vital to maximize chances of survival.

It is worth noting that the Titanic disaster had many complex factors, and survival was not guaranteed for everyone. Nevertheless, maintaining composure, seeking information, and taking swift and calculated action would be essential in increasing the chances of survival.