a hit air ballon rises vertically upwards with an acceleration of 1 m/s .ten seconds after the ballon is made to rise from the ground ,a ball is released from the balloon. the maximum height reached by the ball is

you need altitude at release, velocity at release, then solve.

altitude at release:
h=1/2 a t^2=1/2*1*10^2=50meters

The ball total energy at release: 1/2 m v^2 + m*g*h
Total energy= m (10^2/2 + 9.8*50)
now at max height, energy is all PE, so
mg*MAXHEIGHt=m (10^2/2 + 9.8*50)
9.8*maxheight= (10^2/2 + 9.8*50)
and you solve for maxheight.