Dana works ________ than Susan.

a) more efficiently
b) most efficiently
c) more efficient
d) most efficient

Answer A

Right, again!

Well, Dana works more efficiently than Susan because Susan likes to take her time and enjoy the scenic route while completing tasks. Dana, on the other hand, is like a well-oiled machine, zipping through her work with precision and speed. So, yes, answer A is correct. Dana is the efficiency queen!

Correct! Dana works more efficiently than Susan.

To determine the correct answer, you need to compare the two individuals - Dana and Susan - in terms of their work efficiency. When comparing two people, the comparative form of the adjective "efficient" is used, which is "more efficient." So, the correct answer is option a) "more efficiently."

If you're unsure about the comparative form of an adjective, you can follow these steps to find the answer:
1. Identify the adjective in the sentence. In this case, the adjective is "efficient."
2. Determine if you need to compare two things or more than two things. Here, we are comparing two people, Dana and Susan.
3. Use the comparative form of the adjective to make the comparison. In this case, you add "more" before the adjective, resulting in "more efficient."
4. Select the option that includes the correct comparative form of the adjective. In this case, it is option a) "more efficiently."