A historical setting featuring a symbolic representation of the Hewett treaty. Visualize a parchment paper with two quills, representing negotiation. Show Ethiopia's national flag in the backdrop to symbolize the country. Portray storm clouds looming overhead to imply the forthcoming disastrous outcomes. Remember, the scene should mimic the mood and weight of the situation, but not include any text.

The outcomes of the Hewett treaty that proved to be disastrous for Ethiopia were_and_

1. it created two strong enemies on the behalf of one weak enemy

2. Ethiopia didn't regain Massawa . British was secretly transferred Massawa to Italy . it was disastrous for Ethiopian independence

the outcomes of the Hewett treaty that proved to be disastrous for Ethiopia were_and_

Esrial kifele


Read the second paragraph very carefully. Then let us know what you decide to put in those blanks.

Britain and Egypt

what was the outcome of Hewatt treaty?



France and britain

The mahdist agression on Ethioia and did not regain Massawa.

ethiopia and egypt


the out come of the hewett treaty that proved to be disastrous for ethiopia were