The outcomes of the hewett treaty that proved to be disastrous for ethiopian were and

The outcomes of the Hewett Treaty that proved to be disastrous for Ethiopia were the ceding of large tracts of land to Italy, the payment of large indemnities to Italy, and the granting of extraterritorial rights to Italian citizens in Ethiopia.

To understand the outcomes of the Hewett Treaty and its disastrous impact on Ethiopia, you will need to delve into historical research. Here's a suggested approach to finding the information:

1. Start by searching for the term "Hewett Treaty." Look for reputable sources such as scholarly articles, academic journals, and books.
2. Gather information on the background of the treaty. Find out when it was signed, who the signatories were, and the purpose behind its creation.
3. Explore the terms and provisions of the Hewett Treaty. Look for specific clauses that may have had negative consequences for Ethiopia.
4. Examine the historical context in which the treaty was signed. Consider Ethiopia's geopolitical situation at the time and any ongoing conflicts or power dynamics.
5. Look for accounts or analyses of how the Hewett Treaty affected Ethiopia. Consider the perspectives of Ethiopia's government, its people, and any other relevant stakeholders.
6. Identify specific outcomes of the treaty that are regarded as disastrous for Ethiopia. This may include loss of territories, economic repercussions, political instability, or any other negative impacts.
7. Corroborate the information you find by consulting multiple sources. Cross-referencing different accounts will help ensure accuracy and reliability.
8. Finally, compile your findings to answer the question accurately and thoroughly.

Remember, the specific outcomes and their disastrous nature may differ based on historical interpretations and varying perspectives.

The Hewett Treaty refers to the Treaty of Wuchale, also known as the Treaty of Wichale, signed between Ethiopia and Italy in 1889. This treaty had significant consequences for Ethiopia, some of which were indeed disastrous. Here are a few outcomes of the Hewett Treaty that proved to be disastrous for Ethiopia:

1. Ambiguity over borders: The treaty had unclear wording regarding the borders between Ethiopia and Italian-occupied Eritrea. This ambiguity later led to conflicts and disputes over territory between the two nations.

2. Loss of Ethiopian sovereignty: The treaty granted Italy extraterritorial jurisdiction and administrative control over certain Ethiopian territories. This resulted in a loss of Ethiopian sovereignty and contributed to Italy's eventual colonization of Ethiopia.

3. Conflict and invasion: The treaty ultimately led to the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1895-1896. Italy used the ambiguous wording of the treaty to justify its aggression, leading to the First Italo-Ethiopian War. The conflict resulted in significant loss of Ethiopian lives and devastation to the country.

4. Subjugation and colonization: The disastrous outcome of the Hewett Treaty allowed Italy to establish a colonial administration in Ethiopia from 1936 to 1941. During this period, Ethiopia suffered under Italian rule, including cultural suppression, exploitation, and loss of autonomy.

It is important to note that the disastrous outcomes of the Hewett Treaty were eventually reversed when Ethiopia successfully resisted Italian occupation during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War and regained independence in 1941.