Which of the following best describes association as a memory technique?

A) Only Acrostics and Acronyms
B) Connections between something familiar and concepts you need to remember
C) An organization that teaches memory strategies
D) A sentence containing a word you need to remember

Unit 5 lesson 3 from Connexus I got yalls back.


Also I choose B

Cardi B Fan,

To associate means when you look at something, the first thing that comes to mind if something familiar. For example, you may associate pain with a sting, or cutting yourself. A memory technique can be acronyms, such as the order operations: PEMDAS (Please Excuse my Dear Aunt Sally,) which stands for the main operation types, such as addition, subtraction, exponents, parentheses, and so forth. Therefore, the most plausible answer is B.

Side note: The question essentially gives the answer

Okay thank you guys. Veritas thank you, are you an new tutor? Special thanks to Writeacher and Veritas!

Veritas -- you are NOT recognized as a Jiskha tutor. Your information is often good -- but unnecessary. We do not recognize anyone below college age as a tutor. Period.

got 100 thanks

Thx @OH MY GAWD. 100%!!

Ms. Sue, they're just trying to help people understand the question. So what do you mean it's unnecessary? We need more people like them. Also, they named themselves Veritas Homework Help for a reason you know. They're just trying to help and you're talking about how you don't recognize anyone below college as a tutor? THEY ARE FREAKING' HELPING SOMEONE WITH THEIR WORK. I don't understand why you are so mean sometimes. My work is done here (I think :/)

(P.S. OH MY GAWD is correct 4/4 100%! Thanks!)

I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar errors that you may try and use against my case, but I had an extremely limited time slot to write my post.