Which accurately describe the impact of Magellan’s exploration efforts on European society?

(Select all that apply.)

Large portions of South America and the Pacific were mapped for future exploration efforts.

Sailing west to reach the Spice Islands proved to be more profitable than sailing around Africa.

Large portions of Canada and the Great Lakes were mapped for future exploration efforts.

Sailing west to reach the Spice Islands proved to be too long, dangerous, and unprofitable.

Would it be A and D??

Thank you. I read a bit and picked A and D, they were right.

No, the accurate descriptions of the impact of Magellan's exploration efforts on European society are:

- Large portions of South America and the Pacific were mapped for future exploration efforts.
- Sailing west to reach the Spice Islands proved to be too long, dangerous, and unprofitable.

So the correct options are C and D.

Yes, you are correct. The accurate descriptions of the impact of Magellan's exploration efforts on European society are:

- Large portions of South America and the Pacific were mapped for future exploration efforts.
- Sailing west to reach the Spice Islands proved to be too long, dangerous, and unprofitable.

To arrive at this answer, we need to consider the historical context and the outcomes of Magellan's expedition. Magellan's voyage, which took place between 1519 and 1522, was the first circumnavigation of the globe. Although Magellan himself did not complete the entire journey, his crew did, which resulted in significant advancements in European understanding of the geography of South America and the Pacific.

Magellan's expedition allowed for the mapping of large portions of South America and the Pacific. This knowledge was crucial for future exploration efforts and trade routes. These new maps provided a foundation for further voyages, particularly those seeking to establish trade routes to the Spice Islands (now known as the Indonesian archipelago).

However, the second statement is incorrect. Sailing west to reach the Spice Islands proved to be too long, dangerous, and unprofitable. The main purpose of Magellan's expedition was to find a western route to the lucrative Spice Islands, avoiding the overland routes controlled by the Ottoman Empire. While Magellan's crew eventually reached the Spice Islands, the long and treacherous journey, along with various challenges they faced, made it economically unviable.

Therefore, the correct options to choose from are A (Large portions of South America and the Pacific were mapped for future exploration efforts) and D (Sailing west to reach the Spice Islands proved to be too long, dangerous, and unprofitable).


Read lots and let us know what you decide.