Which options identify motivating factors in the resignation of Buchanan’s cabinet members after the election of Lincoln?

_(Select all that apply.)_

a. proposing the Corwin Amendment

b. support for the secession movement

c. decision to veto cabinet pay raises

d. belief in popular sovereignty

e. failure to reinforce federal forts

f. authorizing federal troops to attack Fort Sumter

g. frustration with Buchanan’s inaction

E, F, and G, but I feel like there may be one more

To identify the motivating factors in the resignation of Buchanan's cabinet members after the election of Lincoln, we can review the options provided and analyze each one:

a. proposing the Corwin Amendment: The Corwin Amendment was a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that sought to protect slavery in states where it existed. While it may have been a contentious issue during the time, it is not directly related to the resignation of Buchanan's cabinet members.

b. support for the secession movement: The secession movement refers to the Southern states' decision to secede from the Union following the election of Abraham Lincoln. It is possible that cabinet members who supported secession may have resigned in response to Lincoln's election.

c. decision to veto cabinet pay raises: The decision to veto cabinet pay raises may have caused dissatisfaction among some cabinet members, but it is not directly linked to the resignation of the cabinet members after the election of Lincoln.

d. belief in popular sovereignty: Popular sovereignty refers to the notion that the people living in a territory should decide whether slavery would be allowed or prohibited within their borders. While this may have been a factor in the political climate leading up to Lincoln's election, it is not directly linked to the resignation of Buchanan's cabinet members.

e. failure to reinforce federal forts: The failure to reinforce federal forts is relevant to the resignation of Buchanan's cabinet members after Lincoln's election. Many cabinet members believed that Buchanan's inaction in protecting federal forts in the South contributed to the escalating tensions and eventual secession.

f. authorizing federal troops to attack Fort Sumter: The authorization of federal troops to attack Fort Sumter was a decision made by President Lincoln after Buchanan left office. Therefore, it cannot directly be a motivating factor for the resignation.

g. frustration with Buchanan's inaction: Frustration with Buchanan's inaction is another potential motivating factor for the resignation of his cabinet members. Many felt that Buchanan did not take decisive action to address the rising tensions between the North and the South, which may have contributed to their decision to resign.

Based on this analysis, the options that identify motivating factors in the resignation of Buchanan's cabinet members after the election of Lincoln are:

- support for the secession movement (b)
- failure to reinforce federal forts (e)
- frustration with Buchanan's inaction (g)

It is important to note that while these are the most directly relevant options, there may have been other factors contributing to the resignation of cabinet members that are not listed here.

