It is a story of a lonely boy named Jeremy. He is ousted by society as depicted in a way neglected by his parents and bullied by his friends. Therefore, Jeremy spends his time in a virtual world rather than in a real world. He chats with his online friends and they all leave him when he is not online. The loneliness grows further when he finds a game called Nethergrave. Jeremy starts spending even more time with this game and forgets about the real world. The story shows that the protagonist is selfish in an unselfish way without realizing it.

The story you've described tells the journey of a lonely boy named Jeremy, who finds solace in a virtual world due to his isolation and mistreatment in the real world. As the narrative progresses, Jeremy's loneliness intensifies when his only online friends abandon him whenever he is offline. This leads him to discover a game called Nethergrave, where he immerses himself even more, losing touch with reality.

The story suggests that Jeremy, in his quest for companionship and escape, unwittingly becomes self-centered in a way that appears unselfish. Let's unpack this theme to gain a deeper understanding.

To analyze this story, we can focus on the characterization of Jeremy and the events that demonstrate his selfishness in an unselfish way. First, Jeremy's neglectful parents and bullying friends contribute to his isolation, making him vulnerable and seeking connection through virtual means. This initial situation sets the stage for his eventual enthrallment with the virtual world.

Jeremy's preference for the virtual world and online friends seems like a selfless act as he seeks friendship and a sense of belonging. However, the story implies that he becomes selfish in his obsession with the virtual world. Jeremy devotes more and more time to Nethergrave, neglecting his real-life responsibilities and relationships.

The turning point in the story is when Jeremy's online friends leave him as soon as he goes offline. This abandonment deepens his loneliness and prompts him to retreat into the virtual world even further. By isolating himself from the outside world, Jeremy inadvertently becomes consumed by his own needs and desires. His actions show a disregard for others' emotions and needs, suggesting that his selfishness is born out of ignorance rather than intentional malice.

In essence, Jeremy's unselfish desire for companionship leads him to neglect the real-life connections that may have helped alleviate his loneliness. Through the lens of the story, the author highlights how an individual can unintentionally become selfish even when driven by an underlying selfless motive.

To further explore the details and implications of this story, one could examine the development of Jeremy's character, the consequences of his actions, and any potential resolutions or lessons learned. Additionally, analyzing the story's themes, such as the impact of technology on human connection or the consequences of isolation, can provide further insight into the author's intended message.