1. Multiple Choice

Why does Skurzynski open “Nethergrave” by describing how Jeremy accidentally scores a goal for the opposing soccer team?
(1 point)

to show that Jeremy is not very bright

to show why the coach should not have put Jeremy in the game

to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing

2. Based on your knowledge of the word root chrono, something that is chronic
(1 point)

involves illness or disorder.

occurs repeatedly over time.

shows a cause-and-effect relationship.

3.Which of the following sentences is CORRECTLY punctuated?
(1 point)

On November 22 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and American history was forever altered.

On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.

On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.

The correct answer for question 1 is:

to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing

1. The correct answer is: to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing.

2. The correct answer is: occurs repeatedly over time.

3. The correct answer is: On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.

1. In order to determine the correct answer to this multiple-choice question, we need to analyze the opening of the story "Nethergrave" by Gloria Skurzynski. The opening describes how Jeremy accidentally scores a goal for the opposing soccer team. To determine the purpose of this description, we can eliminate the responses that do not align with the information provided.

- "to show that Jeremy is not very bright": This response is not supported by the information given in the opening. There is no indication that Jeremy's accidental goal is related to his intelligence.

- "to show why the coach should not have put Jeremy in the game": This response is also not supported by the information given. The opening does not provide any commentary on the coach's decision to put Jeremy in the game.

- "to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing": This response aligns with the information given in the opening. Jeremy's accidental goal highlights his awkwardness and embarrassment in the real world.

Therefore, the correct answer is: to show how Jeremy finds the real world awkward and embarrassing.

2. To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze the meaning of the root "chrono." The root "chrono" is derived from the Greek word "chronos," meaning time. Based on this knowledge, we can consider the provided options.

- "involves illness or disorder": This option does not directly relate to the meaning of the root "chrono."

- "occurs repeatedly over time": This option aligns with the meaning of the root "chrono," as it describes something happening repeatedly over a period of time.

- "shows a cause-and-effect relationship": This option does not directly relate to the meaning of the root "chrono."

Therefore, the correct answer is: occurs repeatedly over time.

3. To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze the provided sentences and their punctuation. Let's evaluate each option.

- "On November 22 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated and American history was forever altered.": This option does not include a comma after the date, which is incorrect punctuation.

- "On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.": This option correctly includes a comma after the date, but it does not include a comma before the conjunction "and."

- "On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.": This option includes the correct punctuation with a comma after the date and a comma before the conjunction "and."

Therefore, the correct answer is: On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated, and American history was forever altered.