
Solve for t


25 = 10t - 0.6889t
25 = 9.3111t
15.6889 = t

How did you get 0.6889

0.83 t squared

0.83t * 0.83t = 0.6889t

To solve for t in the equation 25 = 10t - 0.83t^2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rearrange the equation to set it equal to zero by subtracting 25 from both sides:
-0.83t^2 + 10t - 25 = 0

Step 2: Check if we can factor the quadratic equation. However, in this case, factoring might not work easily since the coefficients are not simple integers.

Step 3: We can solve the quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula, given by:
t = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, the equation is in the form: at^2 + bt + c = 0, where:
a = -0.83
b = 10
c = -25

Step 4: Plug the values of a, b, and c into the quadratic formula and simplify:
t = (-(10) ± √((10)^2 - 4(-0.83)(-25))) / (2(-0.83))
t = (-10 ± √(100 + 83)) / -1.66

Step 5: Simplify further by calculating the values inside the square root and performing any necessary calculations:
t = (-10 ± √(183)) / -1.66

Step 6: Approximate the square root of 183 as a decimal:
t ≈ (-10 ± 13.52774927) / -1.66

Step 7: Now, calculate the two possible values for t by using both the positive and negative square root:
t ≈ (-10 + 13.52774927) / -1.66 or t ≈ (-10 - 13.52774927) / -1.66

Step 8: Simplify each expression separately:
t ≈ 3.5277 / -1.66 or t ≈ -23.5277 / -1.66

Step 9: Lastly, calculate the decimal approximations for t:
t ≈ -2.1233 or t ≈ 14.1701

Therefore, the solutions to the equation 25 = 10t - 0.83t^2 are approximately t = -2.1233 and t ≈ 14.1701.