An illustrated representation of an ancient South Asian king, possibly appearing concerned or strategizing, surrounded by four emblematic symbols: 1) A pair of eyes representing a network of spies; 2) A dove, representing peace proposals; 3) A sword, representing an aggressive attack; 4) A walled city or barrier, representing isolation. However, this image contains no text and serves merely to accompany a historical multiple-choice question.

How did Chandragupta Maurya react to his fear of his enemies?

A. Set up large network of spies
B. Reached out to enemies with peace proposals
C. Aggressively attacked most neighboring kingdoms
D. Isolated India from all communication from outside
Please help I'm stuck on this one question

I think the answer is A. Am I correct

your very correct

I think you linked me the wrong question.

My question is how did chandragupta Muaurya react to his fear if his enemies

Not why was Chandragupta Maurya's organization of his empire considered efficient.


Ok thanks guys

your right

I don't know what if your teacher finds out you are cheating

i need help

You should enter your entire question in

Then read, read, read. I found the answer right away.

I think the answer is the same. But check out this site.

Thank you so much Ms. Sue!😁

You're welcome, Cracler.