Every year, a rice farmer collects his crops and burns the soil when he is done. Once the soil is enriched with burnt debris, he replants his rice. Unfortunately for the farmer, he fell ill and was unable to take care of his fields for over a year. In that time, he notices that an array of wild plants and animals have moved into his rice lands. The landscape has started to look very similar to a neighboring forest. According to this passage, the farmer's field has started to experience which of the following processes? A. primary succession

B. secondary succession
C. adaptive radiation
D. geographic isolation

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Based on the information given in the passage, the farmer's field has started to experience secondary succession.

Secondary succession is the process of ecological succession that occurs in an area that has already been inhabited by living organisms but has experienced a disruption or disturbance, such as a fire, flood, or abandonment. In this case, the farmer's field was initially used for rice farming but was left unattended for over a year. As a result, wild plants and animals moved into the field, resembling a neighboring forest.

On the other hand, primary succession refers to the process of ecological succession that occurs in an area where no soil or living organisms are present, such as in the case of new volcanic islands or glacial retreat. Adaptive radiation refers to the diversification of species from a common ancestor to fill different ecological niches. Geographic isolation refers to the separation of a population from others of its species due to physical barriers.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. secondary succession.