Which of the following is an effect of the Agricultural Revolution in Middle America?

1- A

2- C
3- A
4- A
5- C
6- C
7- D
8- D
9- democratic, stability
10- B

A for 7. not D but everything else if correct👍

7 is A not D but thanks for the 90%

why would u say something like that

1. A

2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. Democratic, Stability
10. B

100% I Promise On God

Hi I just took the Middle America Pretest and got a 90% by DragonMaster's answers and if anybody wants the real answers here they are ok hope this helps :)!!!

1.A. People settled down into villages.
2.C. Maya
3.A. New diseases were brought to Middle America.
4.A. It has created more stability.
5.C. Cartels are drug dealers that are responsible for thousands of murders in recent years.
6.C. by building chinampas
7.A. The U.S. placed a trade embargo on Cuba.
8.D. The central plateau
9.democratic and stability
10.B. hurricane

Be careful of these lists of answers without explanations. Sometimes kids deliberately post wrong answers. Sometimes teachers and/or test publishers mix the questions and answer choices up. Sometimes they change them completely!

Be aware!

1- A

2- C
3- A
4- A
5- C
6- C
7- A
8- D
9- democratic, stability
10- B
100% I just took it

✨🎭 This site is the only thing saving my grade honestly- 🎭✨



maya- heee maya-hoo maya- haaaaa maya- haha! thx :3333

Thankz @unknown minecraft lover :/

and Anonymous is being childish like literally, he over here sayinn' bad stuff like cmon bro really????? its literally da pretest not da real test. just grow da freakk up, u should be mature bcuz dis is MIDDLE SCHOOL. imagine being childish n middle school, and being mad about gettinn' one question wrong on DA PRETEST??? couldn't be me smh.

For me I had a different version of the text so here are the answers. Make sure you are copying the right one so just look where the "democratic and stability one is so here are the answers.

can we get word answers

Unknown mincraft hunter

You idoit so you say we are cheating and don't let other people do the rest for you then you say can somone check my answers 😂

DragonMaster is right except for #7 is A.

Double check answers before you answer or post but who cares its 90%

yes 100 boy!!!!!!!!!!

1- A

2- C
3- A
4- A
5- C
6- C
7- D
8- D
9- democratic, stability

thx so much dragonmaster your correct but 7 is A not D! Have a wonderful day everyone!


7 is a but everything else is correct

oh god

hi, i just did the test with "Anonymous's" answers and mad a 90% but one of them was wrong Question seven is "A" you guys, and this is for the "Middle American Pretest" for Social Studies 6B

Thank You Dragon Master! Great Job on that 100%


Dragon Master has all right except for 7. 7 should be A: the US placed a trade embargo on Cuba.

It was a bit funny when bob said "good question."

@Unknown Minecraft lover yes people come on here to cheat but some dont sometimes they need help .oh you may be really smart and know it all but some people arnt so please dont assume. like me i dont come on here to cheat i come on here if i need help. ~ thank you

write the answers down not just the letter the answer was by

thank you so much

I just used dragonmasters answers and there right but 7 is a not D thanks for the 90% tho

mmmm tis dont effect your grade it desnt

Thx connections academy kid

connexus master but sometimes is right i promice

TYSM @Ryan J Sanders, @Connections Academy Student, @DragonMaster and everyone who corrected @DragonMaster's answer for number 7, yall got meh a 100%, TYSM!!

-I'm a proud bi U-U

LOL, couldn't be me either. this boi saying the f word and the d word

Anonymous helper me too :( im trippin why didnt i just pay attention online school is so hard :(

Briana is correct I got 100% :)))

DragonMaster is good except for question 7 it's A not D but thanks for the 90

who like cookie


democratic, stability
Your Welcome.


People in 6th grade 2022, Briana 6th Grader is 100% correct I just finished the pretest, and it's all correct. She is not a scam

Brianna 6th is correct for 2023

I got a 90% somehow but thanks @DragonMaster 👍🏿


Democratic, Stability

Im right ;)

I wanted to come back from 2020, btw i'm in 7th grade btcs LOL HE ROASTED ME??? HE LOOK LIKE ROAST SO HOW CAN HE ROAST ME

I totally agree! @Unknown Minecraft lover

Also I didn’t want to have. To wait for an unknown period of time soooo I submitted it and got 60% the ones I got right were 1, 3,4, 5, 6. You can do the rest of the pretest.

My answers:

Which of the following is an effect of the agricultural revolution in middle America?-A
Which civilization is known for recognizing the numeral zero?-A, the Olmec.
Which is one negative consequence of the Spanish colonization of middle America?-A, new diseases were brought to middle America
How has the introduction of democracy impacted Central American nations?-A, it has created more stability
Which threat do cartels pose to Mexico and Central America?-C, cartels are drug dealers that are responsible for thousands of murders in recent years
How did the Aztec create more farmland for the city of tenochtitlan?-C, by building Chinampas
Which of the following occurred as a result of the Cuban revolution?-D, Cuba’s population increased due to economic prosperity
Which of the following is the most densely populated area of Mexico?-A the northern area nearest to the U.S border
Drop down menu time!
I think I’ll pass on help for the drop down menus but pls check my answers!

you get it right

good question.

Guys you could try harder then just putting the question in an hoping someone will do the rest. 🙄

Good luck on getting help from here when you try to cheat your way out, also I wanted to see if anyone will check my answers?