Describe a situation that models a linear pattern and then describe a situation that models a nonlinear pattern. Do not state which situation is linear and which is nonlinear. Your classmates will need to determine which is which and then write a function that models the linear situation. Your classmates will also need to write 1 ordered pair that is a solution to the linear function and explain its meaning in the context of the situation.

my dude it literally says do NOT state which situation is linear and nonlinear and you give the answer away by saying "directly dependent"


Situation 1:

In this situation, let's consider the growth of a plant over time. Initially, the plant starts with a height of 10 centimeters. Every week, the plant increases its height by 5 centimeters. This pattern continues for several weeks.

Situation 2:
For the second situation, let's consider the cost of ordering pizza. The cost of ordering one pizza is $10. However, for every additional pizza added to the order, the cost increases by $5. So, if you order 1 pizza, the cost is $10, if you order 2 pizzas, the cost is $15, if you order 3 pizzas, the cost is $20, and so on.

Remember, it is up to your classmates to determine which situation is linear and which is nonlinear. They will need to write a function to model the linear situation and provide an ordered pair along with its meaning within the context.

Sure! Here are two situations, one demonstrating a linear pattern and the other demonstrating a nonlinear pattern.

Situation 1: A Company's Sales
In this situation, let's consider a company's monthly sales over a period of time. Each month, the company records the total revenue generated. As time progresses, the revenue gradually increases. The company's sales could be modeled as a linear pattern if the revenue increment is constant each month. For example, if the revenue increases by $10,000 per month consistently, we can say it follows a linear pattern.

Situation 2: A Growing Population
Now let's consider a situation where we have a population of a city over a period of years. As time passes, the population of the city does not increase at a constant rate. Initially, the population growth may be slow, but as the years pass, it accelerates, resulting in a nonlinear pattern. This may occur due to factors such as migration, birth rates, or economic opportunities.

To determine which situation represents the linear pattern and the nonlinear pattern, you'll need to observe the characteristics of both situations and analyze the rate of change or growth over time.

Once you have identified the linear situation, you can write a function to model it. For example, if the sales revenue increases by $10,000 each month, and we define the relationship between the number of months (x) and the revenue (y), the linear function would be expressed as:

y = 10,000x

To provide an ordered pair as a solution to this linear function, you would choose a specific point on the line. For example, let's say x = 5 (which represents the 5th month), the corresponding y value can be calculated as:

y = 10,000 * 5
y = 50,000

So the ordered pair (5, 50,000) represents a solution to the linear function. In the context of the situation, it means that after 5 months, the company's revenue is $50,000.

Please note that your classmates would need to determine which situation is linear and which is nonlinear, and then write a function explicitly for the linear situation.

" Orchid bloom color is related to the parents bloom's bloom colors"

" The number of successful orchid seedlings is directly dependent on the number of seeds germinated in the agar media."

Yes, I am an orchid person.