When painting an enlargement of a photo onto a wall how do you determine the ratio that will serve as the scale for the painting?

To determine the ratio that will serve as the scale for painting an enlargement of a photo onto a wall, you need to consider a few factors:

1. Measure the dimensions: Take measurements of the photo and the wall. Measure the height and width of both the photo and the wall in the same units (e.g., inches or centimeters).

2. Decide the desired size: Determine how large you want the painting to be on the wall. Consider factors like the available space, the visual impact you want to create, and any specific requirements or preferences you have.

3. Calculate the scale ratio: Divide the dimensions of the wall by the dimensions of the photo to determine the ratio. This ratio will determine how much larger the painting will be compared to the photo.

For example, if the photo is 8 inches wide and 10 inches high, and the wall is 96 inches wide and 120 inches high, you can calculate the scale ratio as follows:

Width ratio = Wall width / Photo width = 96 inches / 8 inches = 12
Height ratio = Wall height / Photo height = 120 inches / 10 inches = 12

In this case, the scale ratio would be 12:1, meaning the painting on the wall will be 12 times larger than the photo.

4. Apply the scale ratio: Use the calculated scale ratio to enlarge the photo onto the wall. Multiply the dimensions of the photo by the scale ratio to determine the proportional dimensions for the painting.

In the given example, if you multiply the dimensions of the photo by 12, you would get a painting that is 96 inches wide and 120 inches high, maintaining the same proportion as the photo but at a larger size.

Remember, the ratio you choose will determine the scale of the painting, so ensure it meets your requirements and aesthetic goals.