[7+2(5 - 9)2]/[(4+1)2 - 3(22)

I am confused as to what the "(22)" means. Is it twenty-two, 2 multiplied by 2, 2 squared?

Its 2 Times the Square Root of 2

are there other hidden √'s?

Is 2(5 - 9)2 = 2*(5-9)^2 ? or √(5-9)^2 or √√(5-9)
You can copy and paste the √ character. Use it an "^" for powers, and try clearing things up.

To simplify the given expression, we will use the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS). This is a set of rules that tells us which operations to perform first.

PEMDAS stands for:
1. Parentheses: Simplify expressions inside parentheses first.
2. Exponents: Evaluate any exponents next.
3. Multiplication and Division: Perform multiplication and division from left to right.
4. Addition and Subtraction: Finally, perform addition and subtraction from left to right.

Let's break down the given expression step by step:

First, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
5 - 9 = -4

Now we substitute this value back into the expression:
7 + 2(-4)2

Multiplication is performed next:
2(-4) = -8

Substitute this value back into the expression:
7 + (-8)2

Now we perform the exponentiation:
(-8)2 = 64

The expression becomes:
7 + 64

Lastly, we perform addition:
7 + 64 = 71

So, the final answer is 71.