In which sentence is the italicized vocabulary word used incorrectly?

1.The birds migrated to Florida for the warm weather.
2.The national anthem is the prelude to many sporting events.
3.The children winced in happiness over the new puppy.***
4.It's evident from your improved test scores that you studied hard.

What is right

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To determine which sentence uses the italicized vocabulary word incorrectly, we need to consider each sentence and identify any potential misuse of the word. Let's analyze each option:

1. "The birds migrated to Florida for the warm weather."
This sentence correctly uses the word "migrated" to describe the birds' movement from one location to another.

2. "The national anthem is the prelude to many sporting events."
This sentence correctly uses the word "prelude" to describe something that comes before or serves as an introduction to something else.

3. "The children winced in happiness over the new puppy."
This sentence uses the word "winced" incorrectly. The word "winced" typically describes a physical reaction to experiencing pain, discomfort, or unease, such as flinching or grimacing. In this context, it does not make sense to use "winced" to describe happiness. It is likely that the correct word should have been "rejoiced" or another appropriate term.

4. "It's evident from your improved test scores that you studied hard."
This sentence correctly uses the word "evident" to describe something that is clearly seen or understood.

Therefore, the sentence that uses the italicized vocabulary word incorrectly is sentence 3: "The children winced in happiness over the new puppy."

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