The distance between exit 13 and exit 15 is 6.8 miles farther than the distance between exit 12 and exit 14

The distance between exit 14 and exit 15 is ? Miles

To find the distance between exit 14 and exit 15, we can set up the information given in the question as an equation.

Let's assume the distance between exit 12 and exit 14 is x miles. Then, according to the given information, the distance between exit 13 and exit 15 would be x + 6.8 miles.

Now, to find the distance between exit 14 and exit 15, we can subtract the distance between exit 12 and exit 14 from the distance between exit 13 and exit 15:

Distance between exit 13 and exit 15 - Distance between exit 12 and exit 14 = (x + 6.8) - x

Simplifying this equation, we get:

Distance between exit 13 and exit 15 - Distance between exit 12 and exit 14 = 6.8

Since the distance between exit 13 and exit 15 is 6.8 miles more than the distance between exit 12 and exit 14, we can deduce that the distance between exit 14 and exit 15 is 6.8 miles.