1. Which activity is part of both private and civic life?

a. Learning about politics
b. Voting for a candidate
c. Going to sports games
d. Working at a bookshop
(I think it's B)
Can someone help? Like maybe refer me to a link ( I don't want to cheat )

I agree with you about B, but I think there's one more.

I chose B and it was correct

You're correct! Voting for a candidate is an activity that is part of both private and civic life. Participating in elections is a civic duty and a way for individuals to exercise their rights and contribute to the democratic process.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic, you can refer to the following link for additional information:
- https://www.usa.gov/voting

Remember, it's always good to do your own research and gain a better understanding of the subject!

To determine which activity is part of both private and civic life, let's analyze the given options:

a. Learning about politics: This activity can be considered both private and civic since it contributes to an individual's knowledge and understanding of political matters, which can influence their personal beliefs and decisions related to civic engagement.

b. Voting for a candidate: Voting is a clear example of a civic activity that allows individuals to participate in the democratic process and exercise their rights as citizens.

c. Going to sports games: While attending sports games can be a personal enjoyment, it doesn't directly involve civic engagement unless there is a specific civic purpose or cause associated with the event.

d. Working at a bookshop: Working at a bookshop is primarily a private activity that involves employment and personal interactions, but it does not directly relate to civic life.

Based on this analysis, the activity that is part of both private and civic life is option b. Voting for a candidate.

If you would like to learn more about private and civic life and the activities associated with them, I would recommend researching topics such as civic engagement, citizenship, and political participation. A reliable and unbiased source to start with could be an educational institution's website or reputable organizations that focus on democracy and civic engagement.