Why do historians regard Jefferson as a great president? How might America be different today if Jefferson had been truer to his principles?

Can anyone help me with this? An outline, a link, anything!

How might America be different today if Jefferson had been truer to his principles?>> A great cook doesn't exactly follow the same recipe every time it needs to be made. The principles are there, but the ingredients vary. Tonite I am making chili for supper, and I am out of masa flour for "tightening" it up at the end. I will have to use corn starch.

Why is he great? https://mises.org/library/was-thomas-jefferson-great-president

Thank you!!

Certainly! Historians often regard Thomas Jefferson as a great president for several reasons. Here are a few key aspects:

1. Founding principles: Jefferson played a significant role in drafting the Declaration of Independence, which declared the principles of liberty, human rights, and equality. His commitment to these ideals resonated with many Americans and shaped the foundation of the nation.

2. Louisiana Purchase: As president, Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, effectively doubling the size of the United States. This expansion opened up vast new territories for settlement and economic opportunities, contributing to the country's growth and influence.

3. Promotion of education: Jefferson was a strong advocate for education. He believed that an educated citizenry was crucial for a successful democracy. During his presidency, he established the University of Virginia, which aimed to provide quality education to all, regardless of socioeconomic status.

4. Religious freedom: Jefferson championed the separation of church and state, emphasizing religious freedom for all individuals. He believed in the idea of a secular government that would prevent the establishment of any particular religion, allowing people to practice their faith freely.

If Jefferson had been truer to his principles, the United States might have been quite different today. Here are a few hypothetical scenarios:

1. Slavery and racial equality: Although Jefferson spoke out against slavery, he owned enslaved individuals himself. If Jefferson had taken more decisive action against slavery, such as advocating for its immediate abolition, it might have accelerated the end of the institution and led to greater racial equality in the early years of the nation.

2. Native American relations: Jefferson supported policies that aimed to assimilate Native Americans into American society. However, if he had prioritized fair and just relations with Native American tribes, it could have fostered improved cooperation and prevented some of the conflicts and displacement that occurred.

3. Expansion of democratic ideals: Jefferson valued democratic principles, and if he had consistently applied them to all areas, it might have resulted in a more inclusive democracy from the outset. For instance, he could have advocated for voting rights for all citizens, regardless of race, gender, or property ownership.

Remember, this is an overview, and there is much more to explore on these topics. If you'd like to further delve into this subject, I recommend consulting reliable history books, academic journals, or online educational resources like reputable history websites or encyclopedias to gain a more comprehensive understanding.