Which best describes a cause of US imperialism during the late 19th century?

Military leaders believed that spending on warfare would encourage economic growth.
Businesses made more goods than domestic consumers were able to buy.
Political leaders wished to block the spread of Communism around the globe.
Industrial producers needed new sources of immigrant labor.


there is no context just use the best of your knowledge please i beg i need the answer too

its b

Yes, the correct option is B: Businesses made more goods than domestic consumers were able to buy.

Now, let me explain how to arrive at this answer.

During the late 19th century, the United States experienced rapid industrialization, resulting in the production of a surplus of goods. Domestic consumers alone were not able to consume all the goods being produced, leading to an economic challenge for American businesses. To overcome this challenge, businesses sought out new markets and opportunities outside of the United States.

The surplus of goods incentivized American businesses to look for markets abroad, where they could expand their customer base and increase profits. This search for new markets led to the desire for imperialistic ventures, as American businesses sought to gain control over foreign territories and establish economic dominance. By acquiring colonies and territories overseas, American businesses could sell their excess goods to these new markets.

Hence, one of the significant causes of US imperialism during the late 19th century was the surplus of goods that American businesses produced but couldn't sell domestically.

yes the answer is b

What does your text say?

I asked this before and you refused to answer me.