how can a metronome assist a musician while performing?

1. How many beats does a quarter note get? A-1

2. Quarter note times blank equals a whole note. A-4
3. What is the definition of rhythm? C- The grouping of musical sounds in time by means of stress and duration
4. How can a metronome assisting musician while performing ? C-it will help maintain a constant steady tempo
5. A whole note=A-4

Is trust me correct?

1.) How many beats does a quarter note (-) get?

A. 1 ✓
B. 4 X
C. One Half. X
D. 2 X

2.) (Quarter Note x __ = Whole Note)
A. 8 X
B. 16 X
C. One Quarter X
D. 4 ✓

3.) What is the definition of rhythm?
A. A composition's rate of speed. X
B. A mechanical or electronic device used to keep a steady tempo. X
C. The grouping of musical sounds in time by means of stress and duration. ✓
D. The structural plan of a piece of music. X

4.) How can a metronome assist a musician while performing?
A. It will help detect what notes are best in the piece of music. X
B. It will help match different pitches. X
C. It will help maintain a constant, steady tempo. ✓
D. It will help choose the best instruments to play. X

5.) A whole note (-) represents how many beats?
A. 4 ✓
B. 3 X
C. 2 X
D. 1 X

Yep trust me's correct for connections academy music unit 1 lesson 2 quick check

I can just say a few facts! I play the piano and it is so easy to keep tempo with a metronome on. My average beat's are 85, and 90 and 100 per minute.

It also helps with drums i play those to and i love rap!


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thank you trust me


thank you guy



Do you know what a metronome is? Read carefully, and let us know what you decide to write.