From "More Variety for Kennedy PE Classes", Illuminate)

Question: Read this sentence from paragraph 2. "I'd love to be as fit as a fiddle." What does fit as a fiddle mean as used in this text?

(1 point)

A talented musician
A talented musician

In average shape
In average shape

A nicely built instrument
A nicely built instrument

In top physical condition

In top physical condition

The phrase "fit as a fiddle" means being in top physical condition.

To understand the meaning of "fit as a fiddle," we can break down the figurative language used in the phrase. In this case, "fit" means being physically healthy and strong. "Fiddle" is a musical instrument, and when it is in good condition, it produces a pleasant sound. So, when someone says they would love to be "fit as a fiddle," they are referring to being in top physical condition or being very healthy.

To find the answer within the text, you can look for clues in the surrounding sentences. Paragraph 2 states, "Some kids said, 'I'd love to be as fit as a fiddle.'" By noting the speaker's desire to be "fit as a fiddle," we can conclude that the correct response is "In top physical condition."