It is Summer for a city located in the Northern Hemisphere. Each day the amount of daylight varies slightly, but it is about 12 hours and 30 minutes. Which latitude is this city located at?


I'm not that smart but look online at a map and divide 12 hours 30 mins on each answer and see which one matches idk .

the Tropic of Cancer (approx. 23.5º N lat.) is where the sun is directly overhead on the 1st day of summer

this is about the latitude of Hong Kong , which has 13.5 hrs of daylight

above the Arctic Circle (66.5º N lat) , the Sun doesn't set

so, something south of the Tropic of Cancer

Appears from these graphs, about 12 deg N latitude

I was having the same issue with this question as I kept getting 12 degrees N, so for anyone now who has this question it is "20 degrees N". Hope that helps for anyone with the same question.

To determine the latitude at which a city is located based on the amount of daylight during the summer, we need to understand the relationship between latitude and the duration of daylight. The Earth is tilted on its axis, causing variations in the amount of sunlight received in different parts of the world throughout the year.

During the summer solstice (around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere), the tilt of the Earth's axis is at its maximum, resulting in the longest day of the year. As we move further away from the summer solstice, the amount of daylight gradually decreases.

Based on the given information that the city experiences about 12 hours and 30 minutes of daylight during the summer, we can rule out extreme latitudes like 90 degrees (the North Pole) and 20 degrees (closer to the Equator). These latitudes would generally experience more or fewer daylight hours throughout the year.

The remaining options are 50 degrees and 70 degrees. To determine which latitude is more suitable, we can refer to the general pattern of decreasing daylight hours as we move further away from the summer solstice.

At 50 degrees latitude, the city would likely experience more daylight than the given 12 hours and 30 minutes, as it is closer to the summer solstice. On the other hand, at 70 degrees latitude, the city would experience less daylight than the given amount.

Therefore, based on the given information, it is most likely that the city is located at a latitude of 50 degrees.