which a growing human population, scientists believe that clean freshwater will become scarce (limited). a possible solution is to desalinate salt water. using what youve learned in this unit, describe the type of a mixture salt water is and explain how you would separate and collect fresh water from the salt water in the ocean.

Note this in your post.

"using what youve learned in this unit,"

So what have you learned in this unit. We don't have access to this unit.


Salt water is a homogeneous mixture, meaning that it is a uniform combination of substances, specifically water and dissolved salts. To separate and collect fresh water from salt water through a process called desalination, several techniques can be used. One commonly employed method is known as reverse osmosis.

Reverse osmosis utilizes a semi-permeable membrane that allows the passage of water molecules but blocks the larger salt ions and other impurities. The process involves a high-pressure pump that forces salt water through the membrane. As a result, fresh water molecules pass through the membrane and are collected, while the remaining concentrated brine solution, containing the separated salt ions, is discharged separately.

Another method is known as distillation, where heat is used to evaporate the salt water. The vapor that arises contains pure water, which is then condensed and collected as fresh water. The remaining concentrated salt solution, commonly referred to as brine, can be stored or further processed.

Both reverse osmosis and distillation are efficient methods for desalination, but they require considerable energy, making them quite expensive at large scales. However, advancements in technology and increased demand for fresh water have led to improvements and cost reductions in desalination techniques. As a result, desalination is becoming a more viable solution for obtaining fresh water from salt water sources, especially in regions facing water scarcity.