
Just checking

The area of one face of a cube is 64cm squared

What it the total surface area of the cube?

DO we do 64 times 6 and the answer is 384 cm cubed?

Also it askes what is the volume

I do 64 cubed which is 262144 cm cubed ?

AM I right ?

yes- the total surface area is 384 cm squared

to find the volume you do length x width x height so...
find the length of the side of the cube
you know each side is equal and the area of one face is 64... the square root of 64 is 8, so each side of the cube is 8 cm
therefore, 8x8x8 equals 512 cm cubed

Just checking

The area of one face of a cube is 64cm squared

What it the total surface area of the cube?

DO we do 64 times 6 and the answer is 384 cm cubed?

Also it askes what is the volume

I do 64 cubed which is 262144 cm cubed ?

AM I right ?

Your area is correct but the volume is not.

The side of the cube is sqrt64 = 8 making ther volume 8x8x8 = 512cm cub.

very easy 512 cm cubed\

dimak kharab se yo maths

Yes, you are correct in finding the total surface area of the cube. To calculate the total surface area, you multiply the area of one face by the number of faces in the cube. Since each face has an area of 64 cm squared, multiplying it by 6 (the number of faces) gives you a total surface area of 384 cm squared.

However, your calculation for the volume of the cube is incorrect. To find the volume of a cube, you need to multiply the length, width, and height together. Since all sides of a cube are equal, you can simply cube the length of one side. In this case, you found that the length of one side is 8 cm. So, the correct calculation for the volume would be 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 cm cubed.

So, your updated answers are:
- The total surface area of the cube is 384 cm squared.
- The volume of the cube is 512 cm cubed.