Find the surface area of a cube with sides measuring 11 meters.(1 point)


726 m2
726 m squared

121 m2
121 m squared

66 m2
66 m squared

132 m2

Answers to Applications of Surface Area of Prisms Quick Check

1. 726 m2
2. 51 in. 2
3. 330 cm2
4. 84 cm2
5. You will need 6 packages of stickers.
i got 100% yall can borrow my answers if yall want to

The surface area of a cube is given by the formula: 6s^2, where s is the length of the side of the cube.

Given that the side length is 11 meters, we can plug that into the formula:

Surface area = 6(11)^2
Surface area = 6(121)
Surface area = 726

Therefore, the surface area of the cube is 726 square meters.

Answer: 726 m2