What is the answer use rounding to estimate each sum or difference of 27873+32912

60785 rounded to what?

61,000 rounded to nearest thousand.
60800 rounded to nearest hundred
60890 rounded to nearest ten.


To estimate the sum of 27873 + 32912 using rounding, follow these steps:

Step 1: Round the numbers to the nearest ten-thousand:
27873 rounds to 30000
32912 rounds to 30000

Step 2: Add the rounded numbers:
30000 + 30000 = 60000

Therefore, the estimated sum of 27873 + 32912 is 60000.

To estimate the sum of 27873 and 32912 using rounding, you can round each number to the nearest thousand and then add them together.

Round 27873 to the nearest thousand:
The digit in the thousands place is 7, so we look at the digit in the hundreds place (8). Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, 27873 rounded to the nearest thousand is 28000.

Round 32912 to the nearest thousand:
The digit in the thousands place is 3, so we look at the digit in the hundreds place (2). Since 2 is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, 32912 rounded to the nearest thousand is 33000.

Now, add the rounded numbers together:
28000 + 33000 = 61000

So, using rounding to estimate the sum of 27873 and 32912, we get 61000.