Why is the weather important in the exposition of "Stray" Select all that apply

To determine why the weather is important in the exposition of the story "Stray," we need to analyze the text. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Read the exposition: Start by reading the beginning of the story, particularly the exposition section. This is where the author sets up the story, introduces the characters, and establishes the setting.

2. Identify references to the weather: Look for any mention of the weather in the exposition. Pay attention to specific descriptions, actions, or dialogue related to the weather.

3. Analyze the effects of the weather: Consider how the weather impacts the story. Think about its influence on the characters' mood, actions, or decisions. Does it create tension? Does it symbolize something? Does it foreshadow events?

4. List the reasons: Based on your analysis, make a list of all the significant ways the weather contributes to the exposition. Select all those that apply to your question.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine why the weather is important in the exposition of "Stray".