i need help with this question

evaluate 5(14-2^3)+ 8/2 =?

2³ = 8

8 / 2 = 4


5 ∙ ( 14 - 2³ ) + 8 / 2 = 5 ∙ ( 14 - 8 ) + 4 = 5 ∙ 6 + 4 = 30 + 4 = 34

To evaluate the expression 5(14-2^3) + 8/2, we will follow the order of operations called PEMDAS, which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Step 1: Evaluate the expression within parentheses.
Inside the parentheses, there is an exponent: 2^3. This means 2 raised to the power of 3, which is 2 × 2 × 2 = 8. So, the expression becomes 5(14-8) + 8/2.

Step 2: Simplify any multiplication or division from left to right.
Since there is no multiplication or division left within parentheses, move on to the next step.

Step 3: Simplify any multiplication or division from left to right.
Now we have 5 times (14-8) + 8/2. Within the parentheses, 14-8 equals 6. So, the expression becomes 5 × 6 + 8/2.

Step 4: Simplify any multiplication or division from left to right.
Next, we evaluate 5 times 6, which equals 30. The expression is now simplified to 30 + 8/2.

Step 5: Simplify any multiplication or division from left to right.
Lastly, we compute 8 divided by 2, which equals 4. The final expression is 30 + 4.

Step 6: Simplify any addition or subtraction from left to right.
Finally, we add 30 and 4, resulting in 34.

Therefore, the value of the expression 5(14-2^3) + 8/2 is 34.