They have 30 cups of raisins and 45 cups of nuts.

How many equally portioned bags can they create?

What is the largest number that can be divided equally into both numbers?



LOL, unless you pour them all out on a table and count individual raisins and nuts :)

To determine the number of equally portioned bags that can be created with 30 cups of raisins and 45 cups of nuts, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two quantities.

The GCD is the largest number that divides both 30 and 45 without leaving a remainder. In this case, the GCD of 30 and 45 is 15.

Since the GCD is 15, it means that each bag will contain 15 cups. Therefore, the number of equally portioned bags that can be created is given by dividing the total quantity of each ingredient by the portion size:

Number of bags = GCD of raisins and nuts
= GCD(30, 45)
= 15

Therefore, they can create 15 equally portioned bags.