I have a serious problem. I have worked on the basics of Physics and STILL DON'T GET IT!!! I have done a bunch of problems, and have no way to get past this bump. (More like mountain.) Anybody have ideas?????

Have you tried a tutor? I ask because I wonder what you mean by working on the basics of Physics, and "done a bunch " of problems. What I actually wonder if you can verbalize what you are doing and why. A good tutor should be able to get thru to making you think of the why.

yes, I have done a lot of work with an online tutoring website, and they have helped me a lot. But the thing is, I just have NO confidence. I am in no way going to pass any of my tests on it. I really need some help!

I understand that learning physics can be challenging, but don't worry, there are several strategies you can try to overcome this hurdle. Here are a few ideas to help you with your physics learning process:

1. Review the fundamentals: Physics is built upon a foundation of core principles and concepts. If you're struggling to understand the basics, it might be helpful to go back and review them. Ensure you have a solid understanding of topics like motion, forces, energy, and basic equations.

2. Break it down: Physics problems can sometimes appear complex and daunting. Break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. Identify the key information, draw diagrams if needed, and then tackle each component step by step. This approach will help you approach problems systematically.

3. Seek different resources: If the study materials you're using aren't helping you understand the concepts, try exploring other resources. Look for alternative textbooks, online lectures, or video tutorials that explain topics in a different way. Sometimes a new perspective can make all the difference.

4. Practice regularly: Physics requires practice to develop problem-solving skills. Solve as many practice problems as you can to strengthen your understanding. Consistent practice will help you identify patterns, gain confidence, and improve your problem-solving abilities.

5. Seek help: If you're feeling stuck, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Consider forming a study group with classmates who are also learning physics, or seek assistance from a teacher, tutor, or online forums where experts and fellow learners can provide guidance.

Remember, learning physics takes time and patience. It's normal to face challenges along the way, but with perseverance and the right strategies, you can definitely overcome them.