Please anyone to help me#

Write the following time using roman numerals.
a. 5:40 am
b. 6:00 pm

5 is V

40 is XL

5:40 am -> V:XL am

6 is VI
(There is no symbol for '0' in the roman numeral system)

6:00 pm -> VI:00 pm

Thanks guys but how if a person just write VI pm for part b.

If you're really going to make it Roman, use these instead of the abbreviations!!

ante meridiem
post meridiem


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that!

To write the given times using Roman numerals, we need to convert the standard time format (hours and minutes) into Roman numerals.

a. 5:40 am:
First, let's convert the hour. Since the hour is 5, we can write it as "V" in Roman numerals.

Next, let's convert the minutes. The minutes are 40, and in Roman numerals, we can represent 50 as "L" and 10 as "X". By subtracting 10 from 50, we get 40, which can be represented as "XL" in Roman numerals.

Therefore, 5:40 am in Roman numerals is "VXL".

b. 6:00 pm:
To convert the hour, since the hour is 6, we can write it as "VI" in Roman numerals.

Since the minutes are 00, we don't need to represent them in Roman numerals.

Therefore, 6:00 pm in Roman numerals is "VI".

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.