myrna spent $21.95 on treats to put in Gift of Love boxes for the needy children in her city. A candy bar coasts $0.80 and a bag of trail mix costs $0.65. Myrna bought 7 more candy bags of trail mix than candy bars. How many candy bars did she buy?

this is tricky and i need help pls.... ty

You are grazing for answers. Look carefully at the last one I did for you.

To solve this problem, we'll first assign variables to the unknowns mentioned in the problem. Let's say the number of candy bars Myrna bought is 'x', and the number of bags of trail mix she bought is 'x + 7'.

To find the number of candy bars she bought, we need to set up an equation based on the total cost. The cost of one candy bar is $0.80, and the cost of one bag of trail mix is $0.65. Myrna spent a total of $21.95, so the equation will be:

0.80x + 0.65(x + 7) = 21.95

Now, let's solve the equation step by step:

1. Apply the distributive property:
0.80x + 0.65x + 0.65 * 7 = 21.95

2. Combine like terms:
1.45x + 4.55 = 21.95

3. Subtract 4.55 from both sides of the equation:
1.45x = 17.40

4. Divide both sides of the equation by 1.45:
x = 12

So, Myrna bought 12 candy bars.