The Renaissance began in

A. Florence around 1300
B. Rome around 1300
C. Florence around 1400
D. Rome around 1400

So I know that it began in Florence, but I'm confused about the year. When I google it, it says 1300, but in my textbook it talks about the fifteenth century. Which one would it be?

15th century = 1400s

Go with what your text says.

Ok and Florence is correct, right?

Yes, definitely!

We could argue all night, but I would vote for 1400. I associate the black death and the fall of Constantinople (1453) with the early period. In particular the exodus of learned people from the Eastern Christian Empire to Europe after the rout by the Turks was a big help.

To determine the accurate starting point of the Renaissance, we need to consider the available information. There is a discrepancy between the year 1300 and the fifteenth century, but both have some basis. The Renaissance indeed began in Florence, Italy.

The year 1300 is commonly associated with the start of the Renaissance because it marks the beginning of the 14th century, which brings about significant changes in artistic and cultural developments. However, it's important to note that the transformation was not sudden or limited to a single year.

On the other hand, referring to the fifteenth century is also correct because this period witnessed the greatest flourishing of the Renaissance movement. The 1400s saw an explosion of artistic achievements, architectural advancements, and scientific discoveries throughout Florence and other Italian cities. The influence of figures like Cosimo de' Medici and the contributions of artists like Filippo Brunelleschi and Donatello further defined this time as the Renaissance.

Therefore, it is safe to conclude that while the Renaissance originated in Florence, the actual duration of the Renaissance can be understood as an ongoing cultural movement spanning the 1300s and reaching its peak in the fifteenth century.