Becky used 5 teaspoon mustard to make 32 ounces of potato salad how many teaspoons of mustard does she need to make four pounds?

Plz help me!


32 Ozs. = 2 Lbs.

(5/2) * 4 = 10 Teaspoons.

To find out how many teaspoons of mustard Becky needs to make four pounds of potato salad, we need to make a proportion using the given information.

First, we establish a ratio of teaspoons of mustard to ounces of potato salad: 5 teaspoons / 32 ounces.

Next, we need to convert four pounds into ounces since we have the ratio in terms of ounces. Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, four pounds is equivalent to 4 * 16 = 64 ounces.

Now we can set up the proportion:

5 teaspoons / 32 ounces = x teaspoons / 64 ounces

To find the value of x, we can cross multiply:

32x = 5 * 64

Simplifying the equation:

32x = 320

Dividing both sides of the equation by 32:

x = 320 / 32

x = 10

Therefore, Becky needs 10 teaspoons of mustard to make four pounds of potato salad.