For the dinner special at a restaurant the customer must choose an appetizer a salad and entree a side dish and a dessert here are the items to choose from

Appetizer: buffalo wings, nachos, shrimp cocktail, potato skins
Salad: Southwest, garden, Caesar
Entree: roast turkey, salmon, lamb, pot roast, T-Bone
Side dish: french fries, rice, corn
Dessert: cheesecake, apple pie, chocolate cake

How many dinner specials are possible

To calculate the total number of dinner specials possible, we need to multiply the number of choices in each category:

Number of choices for Appetizer = 4 (buffalo wings, nachos, shrimp cocktail, potato skins)
Number of choices for Salad = 3 (Southwest, garden, Caesar)
Number of choices for Entree = 5 (roast turkey, salmon, lamb, pot roast, T-Bone)
Number of choices for Side dish = 3 (french fries, rice, corn)
Number of choices for Dessert = 3 (cheesecake, apple pie, chocolate cake)

Total number of dinner specials = (4 choices for Appetizer) x (3 choices for Salad) x (5 choices for Entree) x (3 choices for Side dish) x (3 choices for Dessert)
= 4 x 3 x 5 x 3 x 3
= 360

Therefore, there are 360 possible dinner specials.

Reevaluate your answer

Apologies for the mistake. Let's reevaluate the answer:

Number of choices for Appetizer = 4 (buffalo wings, nachos, shrimp cocktail, potato skins)
Number of choices for Salad = 3 (Southwest, garden, Caesar)
Number of choices for Entree = 5 (roast turkey, salmon, lamb, pot roast, T-Bone)
Number of choices for Side dish = 3 (french fries, rice, corn)
Number of choices for Dessert = 3 (cheesecake, apple pie, chocolate cake)

Total number of dinner specials = (Number of choices for Appetizer) x (Number of choices for Salad) x (Number of choices for Entree) x (Number of choices for Side dish) x (Number of choices for Dessert)
= 4 x 3 x 5 x 3 x 3
= 540

Therefore, there are 540 possible dinner specials.

To determine the number of possible dinner specials, we multiply the number of choices for each category:

Number of choices for appetizer = 4 (buffalo wings, nachos, shrimp cocktail, potato skins)
Number of choices for salad = 3 (Southwest, garden, Caesar)
Number of choices for entree = 5 (roast turkey, salmon, lamb, pot roast, T-Bone)
Number of choices for side dish = 3 (french fries, rice, corn)
Number of choices for dessert = 3 (cheesecake, apple pie, chocolate cake)

So, the total number of possible dinner specials is calculated as:

4 (appetizer choices) * 3 (salad choices) * 5 (entree choices) * 3 (side dish choices) * 3 (dessert choices) = 540

Therefore, there are 540 possible dinner specials.

To find the number of dinner specials possible, you need to find the number of choices for each category and multiply them together.

1. Start with the appetizer category. There are 4 options: buffalo wings, nachos, shrimp cocktail, and potato skins.

2. Move on to the salad category. There are 3 options: Southwest, garden, and Caesar.

3. Next is the entree category. There are 5 options: roast turkey, salmon, lamb, pot roast, and T-Bone.

4. Then, consider the side dish category. There are 3 options: french fries, rice, and corn.

5. Finally, look at the dessert category. There are 3 options: cheesecake, apple pie, and chocolate cake.

To find the total number of dinner specials, multiply the number of choices for each category together: 4 (appetizers) x 3 (salads) x 5 (entrees) x 3 (side dishes) x 3 (desserts).

4 x 3 x 5 x 3 x 3 = 180

Therefore, there are 180 possible dinner specials to choose from.