Clay Potts owns a ceramic store. His brother Jack works for him. Jack earns wages of 50 dollars per day plus 10% of the profits. Clay gets the other 90% of the profits. On Monday the store makes a profit of 30 dollars. How much does Clay get?


thats wrong

To calculate how much Clay gets from the profits, we first need to figure out the total profit.

Given that the store made a profit of $30 and Jack earns 10% of the profits, we can calculate Jack's earnings.

Jack's earnings from the profits would be 10% of $30, which can be calculated as:
(10/100) * $30 = $3.

Since Jack also earns a fixed wage of $50 per day, we can add this to his earnings from the profits to find his total earnings on Monday.
$50 + $3 = $53.

Now that we know Jack's earnings, we can find Clay's share of the profits. Clay gets the remaining 90% of the profits.

To calculate Clay's share of the profits, we subtract Jack's earnings from the total profit:
$30 - $3 = $27.

Therefore, Clay gets $27 from the profits on Monday.