Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the subjunctive mood?

A:All me to introduce myself
B:If water reaches 32 degrees, it turns to ice.
C:I wish you had more confidence in yourself***

Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the imperative mood?

A:Try answering this question;it's easy***
B:Thomas Gray's poem is an elegy.
C:If you read it, you will easily find details that support the mood of the poem.

Are these correct?

Both are right.

Thank you, so much!

You're very welcome.

Yes, you are correct!

In the first question, sentence C "I wish you had more confidence in yourself" contains a verb in the subjunctive mood. The verb "had" is in the past subjunctive form. The subjunctive mood is used to express desires, wishes, possibilities, or hypothetical situations.

In the second question, sentence A "Try answering this question; it’s easy" contains a verb in the imperative mood. The verb "Try" is in the imperative form. The imperative mood is used to give commands, instructions, or make requests.

Well done!