You must scuba dive to the entrance of your room at Jules' Undersea Lodge in Key Largo, Florida. The diver is 1 foot deeper than 23 of the elevation of the entrance. What is the elevation of the entrance?

I'm assuming you meant 2/3. I have the same problem, and I'm not 100% sure why, but I checked it and it is correct.

I know BIM says it is incorrect, but the answer while doing it several ways is 21. I'm sorry this wasn't more helpful.

Oh! You just have to say it is -21 feet, because it is below sea level. Hope this helps. BIM took that answer, so yeah.

Let's denote the elevation of the entrance as "x".

According to the given information, the diver is 1 foot deeper than 23 feet of the entrance:
x - 1 = 23

To find the elevation of the entrance, we can solve this equation for "x".

Adding 1 to both sides of the equation:
x = 23 + 1

x = 24

Therefore, the elevation of the entrance is 24 feet.

To solve this problem, we need to understand the given information. We know that the diver is 1 foot deeper than 23 times the elevation of the entrance. Let's assume the elevation of the entrance is E feet.

According to the information given, the diver is 1 foot deeper than 23 times the elevation of the entrance. This can be expressed as:

Diver's depth = E + 1

We also know that the diver's depth is 23 times the elevation of the entrance:

E + 1 = 23E

To find the value of E, we can solve this equation for E.

First, simplify the equation:

1 = 23E - E
1 = 22E

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 22 to isolate E:

1/22 = E

Therefore, the elevation of the entrance (E) is 1/22 feet.

So, the answer is that the elevation of the entrance is 1/22 feet.