The first controlled, sustained flight in a heavier-than-air craft was made by Orville Wright on December 17, 1903. The plane took off at the end of a rail that was 60 feet long, and landed 12 seconds later, 180 feet away from the beginning of the rail. Assume the rail was essentially at the same height as the ground.

(a) Calculate the average velocity of the plane in feet per second while it was in the air. (b) What is the average velocity in kilometers per hour?

To calculate the average velocity of the plane during its flight, we need to know the time it took to travel the given distance. We can use the formula:

Velocity = Distance / Time

(a) Average velocity in feet per second:

The distance traveled by the plane is given as 180 feet. The time it took to travel this distance is 12 seconds.

Velocity = Distance / Time
= 180 feet / 12 seconds
= 15 feet/second

Therefore, the average velocity of the plane in feet per second is 15 ft/s.

(b) Average velocity in kilometers per hour:

To convert the velocity from feet per second to kilometers per hour, we need to consider the conversion factors.

1 mile = 5,280 feet
1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles
1 hour = 3,600 seconds

Firstly, let's convert the average velocity from feet per second to miles per hour:

Velocity (in miles per hour) = Velocity (in feet per second) * (1 mile / 5,280 feet) * (3,600 seconds / 1 hour)

Velocity (in miles per hour) = 15 ft/s * (1 mile / 5,280 feet) * (3,600 seconds / 1 hour)
≈ 33.861 miles/hour

Next, we can convert the velocity from miles per hour to kilometers per hour:

Velocity (in kilometers per hour) = Velocity (in miles per hour) * (1.60934 kilometers / 1 mile)

Velocity (in kilometers per hour) = 33.861 miles/hour * (1.60934 kilometers / 1 mile)
≈ 54.559 kilometers/hour

Therefore, the average velocity of the plane in kilometers per hour is approximately 54.559 km/h.

avg velocity= distance/time=180/12 f/s

b. convert that to m/s, then to km/hr. It ought to be slightly over 1km/hr