ron and kathy are ticket-sellers at their class play, ron handling student tickets that sell for $3.00 each and kathy selling adult tickets for $6.50 each.

If their total income for 29 tickets was $125.50, how many did ron sell?

your mama

Let R = # tickets sold by Ron.

and K = # tickets sold by Kathy.
R+K = 29
3R + 6.50K = 125.50
Two equations; two unknowns. Solve for R and K.

thank u guys!


-2+4(x-1)= -7-4x

To find out how many tickets Ron sold, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume Ron sold 'x' student tickets.
Since each student ticket sells for $3.00, Ron's total income from student tickets would be 3x.

Now, let's calculate the number of adult tickets Kathy sold. Since the total number of tickets sold is 29 and we know that Ron sold 'x' student tickets, Kathy must have sold (29 - x) adult tickets.

Since each adult ticket sells for $6.50, Kathy's total income from adult tickets would be 6.50 * (29 - x).

As per the given information, their total income from all tickets was $125.50. Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

3x + 6.50 * (29 - x) = 125.50

Simplifying the equation:
3x + 188.50 - 6.50x = 125.50
-3.50x = -63
x = -63 / -3.50
x = 18

Ron sold 18 student tickets.

if its elementary algebra don't you draw some columns and guess and test?

otherwise, these are the equations:

x(3.00) + y(6.50) = $125.50
x+y = 29 tickets